Florida State Resources
Able United
PO Box 44034
Jacksonville, Florida 32231
888-524-ABLE (2253)
The Able United mission is to encourage and assist the saving of private funds to help persons with disabilities cover costs that support their health, independence and quality of life.
Autism Society of Florida
PO Box 677055
Orlando, Florida 32867
The Autism Society of Florida is a statewide organization that supports individuals with autism, their families, and caregivers.
Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)
2727 Mahan Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32308
AHCA is responsible for the FL Medicaid Summary of Services and the DCF DDP
Developmental Services, Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook.
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)
4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950
850-488-4257 or 888-633-2301
This is the state program that assists people who have developmental disabilities and their families.
Arc of Florida
2898 Mahan Drive, Suite 1
Tallahassee, FL 32308
The Arc of Florida is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services
325 West Gaines Street
614 Turlington Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Phone: (850) 245-0475
This bureau of the Florida Department of Education, provides programs for students with disabilities and for gifted students.
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33612
CARD provides support, resources, and assistance to people with autism and related disabilities, and their families. They have an excellent web site with a wealth of information.
The Clearinghouse Information Center
This center provides parents, educators, and professionals materials about exceptional student education, student services, juvenile justice education, early intervention, parent and professional partnerships, and many other topics that are available free of cost.
Central Florida Parent Center
Central Florida Parent Center provides parents of children and young adults with all disabilities and special needs (ages 0 – 26) in central and northeast Florida with accurate information, interactive training, quality assistance, and empathetic support.
Children’s Home Society of Florida
This agency protects and heal children. They prepare youth for bright futures.
Children’s Medical Services
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A06
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-1707
Ph: (850) 245-4444, ext. 2246
The Children’s Medical Services (CMS) program provides children with special health care needs with a family centered, managed system of care. Children with special health care needs are those children under age 21 whose serious or chronic physical or developmental conditions require extensive preventive and maintenance care beyond that required by typically healthy children.
Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA)
Information regarding elder services and activities is available through the Elder Helpline Information and Assistance service within each Florida County.
Disability Rights Florida
2728 Center View Drive #102
Tallahassee, FL 32301
E-mail: [email protected]
Disability Rights Florida is a non-profit organization providing protection and advocacy services in the State of Florida.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
2002 Old St. Augustine Rd, Bldg. A
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4862
800-451-4327 or 800-955-8770 (TTD)
This agency provides services for eligible persons with physical or developmental disabilities. These services are designed to enable the consumer to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment.
Exceptional Designs
This organization provides home design and customized environments with a focus on accommodating individuals with disabilities.
FAAST (Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology)
325 John Knox Rd. Bldg B
Tallahassee, FL 32303
FAAST is a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for all Floridians with disabilities by promoting awareness for access to and advocacy for Affordable Accessible Housing and Assistive Technology.
Family Care Council
Their mission is to advocate, educate, and empower individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, partnering with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, to bring quality services to individuals for dignity and choice.
Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc.
This parent center strives for the complete integration and equality of persons with disabilities in a society without barriers.
Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living
This agency facilitates collaboration among member Centers for Independent Living and other stakeholders, resulting in a unified statewide voice advocating for equal rights for people with disabilities. You would also be able to locate your nearest Center for Independent Living on this site.
Florida Association for Infant Mental Health
This agency addresses the needs, develops a plan, secures the resources, and provides services necessary for strengthening the emotional development of young children
Florida and Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative
The FAVI Deaf-Blind Collaborative serves the entire state of Florida providing training and consultation services to the families and educational teams of Florida’s children and young adults (ages 0-22) with concurrent hearing loss and vision loss.
FLAPBS (Florida Association of Positive Behavior Supports)
FLAPBS strives to build capacity across disciplines and settings to employ sustainable, evidence based practices to improve behavior and quality of life for individuals throughout their life span.
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC)
124 Marriott Dr. #203
Tallahassee, FL 32301
The Council was established to help plan individual and family-centered supports for those with disabilities in Florida. They also guide the development and administration of innovations, and program services for people with developmental disabilities by planning and funding research.
FDLRS (Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System)
This agency provides diagnostic, instructional, and technology support services to district exceptional education programs and families of students with disabilities.
Florida Head Start
Offices play an important role in helping improve the lives of young children in their states by creating a visible presence for Head Start at the state level and assisting in the development of multi-agency and public/private partnerships at the state and local levels.
Florida Independent Living Council
This agency assists and advocates for people with disabilities in achieving equal opportunities.
"Independence Worth Preserving"
Florida Inclusion Network
This agency collaborates with all parents, schools and districts to provide customized services and supports to ensure that all students with disabilities have the same educational, social, and future opportunities as their peers.
Florida Positive Behavior Support Project
Increasing the capacity of Florida's school districts to address problem behaviors using Positive Behavior Support.
Goodwill Industries
Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.
Help Me Grow Florida
The Goal of Help Me Grow Florida is to promote healthy development for every child in Florida. Help Me Grow (HMG) is a unique, comprehensive, and integrated statewide system designed to address the need for early identification of developmental and/or behavioral concerns, and then to link children and their families to community-based developmental and behavioral services and supports.
HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters)
A home-based, early intervention program that helps parents create experiences for their children that lay the foundation for success in school and later life. The program is designed specifically for those parents who may not feel confident in their own abilities to teach their children. In the United States, HIPPY is a two or three year program for parents with children ages three, four and five.
Parent-to-Parent of Miami
This agency is a community parent resource center for families of children and adults with all disabilities. This center provides training, information and resources on special education processes to parents and families of children with disabilities.
Project 10
This agency provides secondary transition services to students with disabilities in order to improve their academic success and post-school outcomes.
Redlands Migrant Christian Association
RCMA provides quality child care and early education for children of migrant farm workers and rural, low-income families throughout Florida.
Special Education Law and Advocacy
They desire to be at the forefront of the struggle to protect and advance the educational rights of children with disabilities. This agency has skilled advocates and attorneys to assist with special education issues. They serve the entire state.
The IEP Advocate
This agency provides assistance and advocacy services to parents of children with disabilities who receive, or are in need of special education services. They serve the entire state.
PO Box 44034
Jacksonville, Florida 32231
888-524-ABLE (2253)
The Able United mission is to encourage and assist the saving of private funds to help persons with disabilities cover costs that support their health, independence and quality of life.
Autism Society of Florida
PO Box 677055
Orlando, Florida 32867
The Autism Society of Florida is a statewide organization that supports individuals with autism, their families, and caregivers.
Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)
2727 Mahan Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32308
AHCA is responsible for the FL Medicaid Summary of Services and the DCF DDP
Developmental Services, Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook.
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)
4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950
850-488-4257 or 888-633-2301
This is the state program that assists people who have developmental disabilities and their families.
Arc of Florida
2898 Mahan Drive, Suite 1
Tallahassee, FL 32308
The Arc of Florida is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services
325 West Gaines Street
614 Turlington Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Phone: (850) 245-0475
This bureau of the Florida Department of Education, provides programs for students with disabilities and for gifted students.
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33612
CARD provides support, resources, and assistance to people with autism and related disabilities, and their families. They have an excellent web site with a wealth of information.
The Clearinghouse Information Center
This center provides parents, educators, and professionals materials about exceptional student education, student services, juvenile justice education, early intervention, parent and professional partnerships, and many other topics that are available free of cost.
Central Florida Parent Center
Central Florida Parent Center provides parents of children and young adults with all disabilities and special needs (ages 0 – 26) in central and northeast Florida with accurate information, interactive training, quality assistance, and empathetic support.
Children’s Home Society of Florida
This agency protects and heal children. They prepare youth for bright futures.
Children’s Medical Services
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A06
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-1707
Ph: (850) 245-4444, ext. 2246
The Children’s Medical Services (CMS) program provides children with special health care needs with a family centered, managed system of care. Children with special health care needs are those children under age 21 whose serious or chronic physical or developmental conditions require extensive preventive and maintenance care beyond that required by typically healthy children.
Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA)
Information regarding elder services and activities is available through the Elder Helpline Information and Assistance service within each Florida County.
Disability Rights Florida
2728 Center View Drive #102
Tallahassee, FL 32301
E-mail: [email protected]
Disability Rights Florida is a non-profit organization providing protection and advocacy services in the State of Florida.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
2002 Old St. Augustine Rd, Bldg. A
Tallahassee, FL 32301-4862
800-451-4327 or 800-955-8770 (TTD)
This agency provides services for eligible persons with physical or developmental disabilities. These services are designed to enable the consumer to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment.
Exceptional Designs
This organization provides home design and customized environments with a focus on accommodating individuals with disabilities.
FAAST (Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology)
325 John Knox Rd. Bldg B
Tallahassee, FL 32303
FAAST is a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for all Floridians with disabilities by promoting awareness for access to and advocacy for Affordable Accessible Housing and Assistive Technology.
Family Care Council
Their mission is to advocate, educate, and empower individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, partnering with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, to bring quality services to individuals for dignity and choice.
Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc.
This parent center strives for the complete integration and equality of persons with disabilities in a society without barriers.
Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living
This agency facilitates collaboration among member Centers for Independent Living and other stakeholders, resulting in a unified statewide voice advocating for equal rights for people with disabilities. You would also be able to locate your nearest Center for Independent Living on this site.
Florida Association for Infant Mental Health
This agency addresses the needs, develops a plan, secures the resources, and provides services necessary for strengthening the emotional development of young children
Florida and Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative
The FAVI Deaf-Blind Collaborative serves the entire state of Florida providing training and consultation services to the families and educational teams of Florida’s children and young adults (ages 0-22) with concurrent hearing loss and vision loss.
FLAPBS (Florida Association of Positive Behavior Supports)
FLAPBS strives to build capacity across disciplines and settings to employ sustainable, evidence based practices to improve behavior and quality of life for individuals throughout their life span.
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC)
124 Marriott Dr. #203
Tallahassee, FL 32301
The Council was established to help plan individual and family-centered supports for those with disabilities in Florida. They also guide the development and administration of innovations, and program services for people with developmental disabilities by planning and funding research.
FDLRS (Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System)
This agency provides diagnostic, instructional, and technology support services to district exceptional education programs and families of students with disabilities.
Florida Head Start
Offices play an important role in helping improve the lives of young children in their states by creating a visible presence for Head Start at the state level and assisting in the development of multi-agency and public/private partnerships at the state and local levels.
Florida Independent Living Council
This agency assists and advocates for people with disabilities in achieving equal opportunities.
"Independence Worth Preserving"
Florida Inclusion Network
This agency collaborates with all parents, schools and districts to provide customized services and supports to ensure that all students with disabilities have the same educational, social, and future opportunities as their peers.
Florida Positive Behavior Support Project
Increasing the capacity of Florida's school districts to address problem behaviors using Positive Behavior Support.
Goodwill Industries
Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.
Help Me Grow Florida
The Goal of Help Me Grow Florida is to promote healthy development for every child in Florida. Help Me Grow (HMG) is a unique, comprehensive, and integrated statewide system designed to address the need for early identification of developmental and/or behavioral concerns, and then to link children and their families to community-based developmental and behavioral services and supports.
HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters)
A home-based, early intervention program that helps parents create experiences for their children that lay the foundation for success in school and later life. The program is designed specifically for those parents who may not feel confident in their own abilities to teach their children. In the United States, HIPPY is a two or three year program for parents with children ages three, four and five.
Parent-to-Parent of Miami
This agency is a community parent resource center for families of children and adults with all disabilities. This center provides training, information and resources on special education processes to parents and families of children with disabilities.
Project 10
This agency provides secondary transition services to students with disabilities in order to improve their academic success and post-school outcomes.
Redlands Migrant Christian Association
RCMA provides quality child care and early education for children of migrant farm workers and rural, low-income families throughout Florida.
Special Education Law and Advocacy
They desire to be at the forefront of the struggle to protect and advance the educational rights of children with disabilities. This agency has skilled advocates and attorneys to assist with special education issues. They serve the entire state.
The IEP Advocate
This agency provides assistance and advocacy services to parents of children with disabilities who receive, or are in need of special education services. They serve the entire state.