That wasn’t the only issue tackled, the show dared to highlight issues of inclusion in regular classroom settings as well. It took a brilliantly comedic approach at illustrating the well-intentions, but often times insulting attempts made trying to make someone with a disability feel welcomed. JJ enters his classroom for the first time and is greeted by an unwarranted round of applause and then standing ovation by his fellow classmates. His teacher, extremely nervous and anxious to welcome his new student, ridiculously overcompensates by immediately nominating JJ to become the school's Student Council President! He even had a sign made!
JJ types the most sensible reply, "Why? You don't know me."
This show gets a two thumbs up from me. While I can certainly relate to Maya, I have learned over the years to take a more partnership approach in handling issues with my son’s school. Still, I love her energy, strength, and the fact that she is a driving force not to be reckoned with. I think this is the perfect show for ridding our society of the many misconceptions and myths that come with having a disability. I’m going to be a regular viewer, I’m already a fan.
© 2016 Sensory Friends