Fidget Toys
Tangle Therapy Relax for Hand and Mind Wellness
Yoya Toys
Visual Fun!
Tactile (Sense of Touch) Enjoyment
Learning Games
Auditory Enjoyment:
Vestibular Motion
Remember that gift certificates are perfect gestures of thoughtfulness when your goal is to make someone happy. A gift certificate to your loved one’s favorite restaurant, department store, ice-cream parlor, movie theater, or better yet – season passes to their favorite amusement park, museum, zoo, or other preferred place – and you just might be nominated as gift giver of the year! Even if you’re not this year's nominee, try to remember that children and adults with disabilities are intuitive people who sense when someone cares. The most important message you want to get across is that you care for someone and you’re thinking of them. There is no greater gift than the gift of thoughtfulness and love.
My family and I wish you and yours a joyous holiday season!
Want to join in on next month's Voices of Special Needs Hop? Click here!